Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bankroll stats

i managed to build my bankroll up to $375 in one week playing on the NL25 tables, but after playing in the weekend, i got a lot of bad beats and fishy calls, like this hand:

I was in MP3:

$0.25/$0.50 No Limit Holdem
10 players
Converted at weaktight.com

UTG ($54.80)
UTG+1 ($13.85)
UTG+2 ($58.20)
MP1 ($1.15)
MP2 ($80.45)
MP3 ($39.95)
CO ($50.00)
BTN ($48.25)
SB ($66.75)
BB ($56.70)

Pre-flop: ($0.75, 10 players)
UTG bets $1.50, 4 folds, MP3 calls $1.50, 4 folds

Flop: ($3.75, 2 players)
UTG bets $5, MP3 calls $5.

Turn: ($13.75, 2 players)
UTG bets $15, MP3 calls $15.

River: ($43.75, 2 players)
UTG goes all-in $33.30, MP3 goes all-in $18.45

Final Pot: $95.5
UTG shows:
MP3 shows:

UTG wins $94 ( won +$39.2 )
MP3 lost -$39.95

i mean, the guy calls a raise with K3 suited from UTG, hit bottom pair!!!!!!! on the flop, calls all oversized bets (without any draws) and then he hits his 2 pair on the river.

Hands like this will get you on tilt, and it's really frustrating. therefore my bankroll dropped to about $40, but after playing the last two days, it's up to 130 again, so i keep going.
I just won't play in weekends anymore ;)

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